Australian High Commission
United Kingdom
Australia House, London

Passport guarantors

Passport guarantors

If you are submitting the PC7 Adult Renewal form, a guarantor is not required.

If you are submitting the PC8 Overseas Application form, then you do need a guarantor.  Your guarantor must complete Section 11 of the application form.  He/she must also endorse the back of one photo by writing "This is a true photo of [your full name]" and signing underneath.  A guarantor is not optional. 


General guarantor criteria

You should ensure that your guarantor:

  • is not related to you by birth or marriage, AND
  • is not in a de facto relationship with you, AND
  • does not live at the same address as you, AND
  • is 18 years of age or older, AND
  • has known you for at least 12 months, AND
  • is willing and available to discuss your application with us during normal business hours, AND
  • meets one of the guarantor qualifications below.


Guarantor qualifications

There are two types of guarantors you can choose from:

1.   A current Australian passport holder, OR

2.   A non-Australian who is currently employed in one of the following occupations:

  • Chartered/Certified Accountants
  • Chartered Professional Engineers
  • Judges, Barristers and Solicitors
  • Registered Medical Practitioners (Doctors and GPs only), Dentists, Pharmacists
  • Registered Nurses, Chiropractors, Optometrists, Physiotherapists and Psychologists
  • Registered Veterinary Surgeons
  • Members of Parliament, elected City, County and District Councillors
  • Police Officers with at least five years continuous service
  • Members currently serving in the regular Australian or British Defence Force with at least five years continuous service
  • Ministers of Religion and Marriage Celebrants
  • Teachers - full-time, who have been teaching for more than five years
  • Civil Servants/Local Government employees - full-time, who have been employed continuously for at least five years by their current employer
  • Bank Branch Managers - manager of a High Street bank, but not managers of investment or business branches, building societies, bank travel centres, loan centres or line mangers within a bank


What if I can't find a guarantor in the UK?

Some applicants find it difficult to obtain a guarantor in the United Kingdom.  Usually this is because they have recently relocated to the United Kingdom and do not know anyone here who has known them for longer than 12 months.

If you are unable to obtain a guarantor in the United Kingdom, you should obtain a guarantor from a country where you previously lived - eg. Australia.  You will need to send them Section 11 of the PC8 form, together with one of your passport photos, for them to sign.  Once they have signed the documents, they must send the originals back to you so that you can submit them when you lodge your application.  We cannot accept faxes or emails from your guarantor.  They must send the originals back to you for lodgment.